Games based on Real World Locations
As a person who travels often, I always like to do some research before I visit a new location. If I have the time, playing a game based on the location can give me a little bit of understanding of the area. I feel it immerses you and makes you appreciate the culture of the location more. It’s also a great way to make your kids more interested. One of my favorite things is hearing my little one make a reference to something they saw in the video game and make the connection to real life. Here is a short list that I was able to come up with
Alaska, United States - Red Dead Redemption 2
Blackwater, Missouri - United states - Red Dead Redemption 2 (Blackwater)
Chernobyl, Ukraine - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Chicago, Illinois - Watch Dogs
Donetsk, Ukraine - Call of Duty Warzone, Watch Dogs
Hong Kong, China - Sleeping Dogs
Himalaya, Asia - Far Cry 4
Hollywood, California -Overwatch (Hollywood Map <-> Paramount Studios)
Italy - Assassins Creed 2 and Assassins Creed Brotherhood, Forza Horizon 2, Final Fantasy XV (Altissia), Dark Souls (Anor Londo)
Los Angeles, California - L.A. Noire, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Louisiana, United States (Parts of it) - Red Dead Redemption 2
Las Vegas, California - Fallout: New Vegas
Manchester, England - Resistance: Fall of Man
Miami, Florida - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Moscow, Russia - Metro 2033
New Orleans, United States - Red Dead Redemption 2
Northeast Colonial America - Fallout 4
New York, New York - Grand Theft Auto 3 & 4, The Division, Marvel’s Spider-Man, The Warriors
Paris, France - Assassins Creed Unity
San Francisco, California, United States - Watch Dogs 3
Seattle, Washington, United States - Infamous Second Son, The Last of Us 2
Thailand - Tomb Raider Underworld
Tokyo, Japan - Persona 5, Yakuza
Washington, DC, United States - The Division 2, Fallout 3
Yosemite Valley, California, United States - Red Dead Redemption 2
Here is a cool list on a map. Feel free to contribute. Map