March 8, 2022

Automatically deploy docker containers to a server after you commit to GitHub

After I push to GitHub, I have a GitHub action that automatically creates a docker package. My goal was to create a system that would automatically deploy my docker container after the main branch of my project had been pushed to.


– Ubuntu Server >=17
– Github
– Docker
– Webhook ( )

Things you should have prepared:
– Server IP address
– Project Name
– Github action to automatically create a package when you push to master or however else you define it (

Setup webhook on github

  1. Go to your Github project repository -> settings -> webhooks -> add webhook
  2. Create a new webhook.
    1. Use the payload URL as your http://:9000/hooks/deploy_project_name
    2. Click Let me select individual events” -> Click Packages” and uncheck everything else
    3. Click Save

Setup webhook on your server

  1. Run sudo apt-get install webhook. I found out using the apt-get method that it already creates a service for me which you can see with systemctl status webhook. You won’t see this on the documentation page of the project repo. Use this command to restart the service sudo systemctl restart webhook if you make changes.
  2. Using the status command above you can see that the service is using a file called /etc/webhook.conf That is the equivalent of your hooks.json which you will see mentioned in the project repo.
  3. I also went to and edited the file /lib/systemd/system/webhook.service to add the -verbose tag so now it looks like this

Description=Small server for creating HTTP endpoints (hooks)
ExecStart=/usr/bin/webhook -nopanic -hooks /etc/webhook.conf -verbose

  1. Below is what my webhook.conf looks for my 2 projects. Adjust it to your liking.
    “id”: “deploy_project_name”,
    “execute-command”: “/root/webhoooks/”,
    “command-working-directory”: “/”,
    “include-command-output-in-response”: true,
    “response-message”: “Deploy Project_name”
    “id”: “deploy_project_name_2”,
    “execute-command”: “/root/webhooks/”,
    “command-working-directory”: “/”,
    “include-command-output-in-response”: true,
    “response-message”: “Deploy Project_name_2”

  2. Go to your root folder and create a folder called webhooks. This is where you will place your bash files

For each one of my projects I have a bash file in the webhooks folder that looks like this


docker pull
docker stop
docker system prune -f
docker run –name=“” -d –restart always -e “PORT=8765” -e “DEBUG=1” -p 8012:8765

with their respective names being and

Once you have created those you should be all set. Now whenever your package is built on GitHub it should be automatically deployed on your server. You can always manually deploy by going to the url (http://server_ip_address:9000/hooks/deploy_Project_name)

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