Avoiding Microplastics
Glass Bottles Only: Recommend https://www.epicwaterfilters.com
Water filtration system: On the go? Again recommend: https://www.epicwaterfilters.com . At home? You want a full filtration system at the entry-point of your home. Why? Think about the surface area of your skin. You’ll absorb plenty of plastics from your shower, washing your hands, etc. Better to have the whole home filtered.
Cotton, Linen only. Get rid of polyester, other synthetic fabrics.
LMK if you have other suggestions.
January 8, 2024
Make it harder for your users to contact you
Is there an argument to be made to make it harder for users to contact you?
I’ve apparently been running a small unintentional expirement for the past several months. My contact email was removed from the footer of one of my websites. This change meant that the only way to get the email was on the support page. I obviously did not notice the change but did notice that the # of emails I received dropped by about 25-50%. However the quality of emails I received were much better. Meaningful questions, suggestions whereas before it was people asking for the most obvious solution to a problem that can be handled in 30 seconds by reading. No obvious noticeable change in MRR.
December 19, 2023
The Right Time To Hire?
Trying to figure out the right time to bring on additional help is like trying to time the stock market. If you are trying to grow, hire someone when you can afford it and fire them quickly if it’s not working out. In general you should expect to seriously interview 2-3 people for a position (outside of upper management which is a whole different ball game).
November 24, 2023
Limiting the number of emails you get from Django Logger
As someone who still uses email to get 500 errors on their Django project sometimes you’ll wake up to 1000 emails when things go haywire. Seems to happen more often when your sever goes down, late night commits that you didn’t properly vet, etc. This has happened a bit more than I would like over the past couple months and today my sendgrid bill came out to 400$ so I had to make a small change. Below is the code I used to essentially limit how often I could get a traceback email from my django project in a specified interval.
LOGGING = { ‘version’: 1, ‘disable_existing_loggers’: False, ‘handlers’: { ‘console’: { ‘level’: ‘INFO’, ‘class’: ‘logging.StreamHandler’, ‘stream’: stdout, }, ‘mail_admins’: { ‘level’: ‘ERROR’, ‘class’: ‘main.adminemailhandler.RateLimitedAdminEmailHandler’, },
}, ‘loggers’: { ‘django’: { ‘level’: ‘WARNING’, ‘handlers’: [‘console’, ‘mail_admins’], ‘propagate’: False, }, ‘main’: { ‘level’: ‘INFO’, ‘handlers’: [‘console’], }, } }
Admin Email Handler
import time
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.utils.log import AdminEmailHandler
import settings
class RateLimitedAdminEmailHandler(AdminEmailHandler): def emit(self, record): if cache.get(‘error_email_rate_limit’) is None: cache.set(‘error_email_rate_limit’, 0, timeout=360) rate_info = 0 else: rate_info = cache.get(‘error_email_rate_limit’)
if int(rate_info) < int(settings.EMAIL_LIMIT_PER_HOUR):
cache.set(‘error_email_rate_limit’, rate_info + 1, timeout=360) else: pass
November 11, 2023
One Reason to Not Sell Your Business
It always irks me when people use the phrase, “as long as their money is green.” This is probably some of the worst advice you can get when selling a business. No matter how comprehensive and tight-clad your purchase agreement might seem, do not sell to someone incompetent with money. They will bombard you with questions, flood your inbox with emails, waste your precious time, and in the worst-case scenario, killsue you. Don’t want to follow this advice? Well at least include these in your purchase agreements:
Post-sale support. Clearly define the scope of any support you’ll provide after the sale. Limit the number of days you’re available, as well as the hours per week you’re willing to dedicate to this assistance.
List all assets included in the sale specifically.
List everything ‘as-is’. Make it explicit that you’re selling everything ‘as-is.’ It’s the buyer’s responsibility to conduct their due diligence. You shouldn’t be held accountable for any issues they discover post-sale that they could have identified beforehand.
Outline how you should be compensated if the deal falls through. Whether it’s through a non-refundable deposit or another form of financial assurance.
If the deal doesn’t materialize, stipulate that you expect everything to be returned to its original state, ensuring you’re not left to pick up the pieces if things go south.
October 21, 2023
How to Stay Pseudonymous on the Internet: Part 1 - Crypto
This is a working guide on how to stay Pseudonymous on the internet. These parts have no chronological order. These instructions will not make you anonymous. I won’t be talking about how obvious it is that using a vpn, crypto, using social media, etc provides signals for tracking you.
Get yourself bitcoin or another cryptocurrency so that you can make payments online.
Back when bitcoin first came onto the scene localbitcoins.com was easily the safest way to purchase bitcoin.
So what are the other options?
- Bitcoin ATM - Deposit cash -> Get bitcoin
- Sometimes these require ID, phone #.
- Obviously almost all of these have face cameras
- High fees
- Only do this in a safe area. Unsavory people may be watching these atms
- Purchase crypto with visa/mastercard gift cards
- Buy the giftcards in cash, then use a service to purchase the crypto with them
- Look locally: Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, localcoinswap
- Risk of getting robbed is high
- Cash By Mail: Bisq, Paxful, Agoradesk
October 11, 2023
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